Friday, 21 June 2013

Team Building Activities

Classroom studies till date in my life were mostly limited to noting down whatever teachers spoke in the class and develop a habit of remembering whatever was necessary to get the best grades possible. Team building exercises were never a serious contender for top stop in any of the activities in the classes I attended baring a few.
When Prof. T.Prasad made us participate and enjoy activities which were never part of the curriculum but part of his efforts to make us realize other important aspects such as team building, I truly enjoyed it a lot. This was something which were high in my expectation in methodology of teaching at premier B-Schools. 
This is truly essential due to following effects it has on the organization and individuals: 

Builds Trust

Team-building activities can help develop trust among all. Trust is very important to business, especially when teamwork is required on a daily basis to achieve objectives and grow companies.

Eases Conflicts

Unnecessary conflicts and disputes might arise within an organization as there are varied personalities of various members. Team-building activities can thus play an important role in easing conflicts between coworkers by allowing employees to bond with one another and become more accustomed to each others' personalities. To ease conflicts, use team-building activities that allow coworkers to get to know one another on a personal level.

Increases Collaboration

Team-building activities can establish a stronger bond between all the fellow employees. This bond can help in increasing collaboration among employees during daily business activities.

Effective Communication

Through team-building activities, the participants can learn how to better communicate with one another because they probably will be faced with activities that need to be solved as a group.

These activities are also helping us to know our classmates better and develop a sense of team spirit which we can leverage on in times to come.

Some of the quotes that I can recollect at the moment about team spirit:

· "There is no 'I' in TEAM" ~ Anonymous
· "A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle" ~ Japanese proverb
· "A boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing their own way" ~ Swahili proverb
· "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is
success" ~ Henry Ford

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post and contnet in the blog is very informative and having great value of information about team building activities .

    Thanks for sharing such useful post.
